Each year since 2019 we have enjoyed a special evening celebrating and honoring our senior class! A massive thank you to all the players, parents, coaches, and directors who make the evening so incredible. The night iis full of reflection, gratitude, pride, life lessons learned and friendships developed.
We wish our seniors all the best in their future endeavors and look forward to watching them compete at the next level.
A special thank you to our gracious hosts from the Byzantium The venue provided a great ambiance to celebrate and honor our soon-to-be graduates.
Excerpts From The Seniors
What major life lesson's has soccer had on your growth as a person that you will carry on to the next stage in your life?
Soccer has taught me how to be especially resilient in challenging situations and to always have faith in myself that my hard work and determination will pay off. Soccer has also taught me how to be calm and collected when under pressure as well as how important it is to take a step back when in high-intensive situations, both on and off the field.
Soccer has taught me the perseverance and determination that has provided me with the skills to prosper wherever the future takes me.
Soccer has taught me about the ups and downs in life. In a 90 minute match there are going to be times when you are dominating in every facet of the game and everything is going right; and their are other times where you are defending for your lives and not seeing as much of the ball. How you respond and get through those tough times during a game can be directly related to getting through the tough moments in your life, and there are going to be plenty of them.
Never, never, ever ever give up! Even when things seem very difficult
Soccer has taught me great time management skills because I have had to balance school, practice and games for years. It also has taught me the importance of being fully committed to a team, and always giving 100% effort.
Soccer has taught me to be a good team player and be fully invested and committed. I will bring this to college, in the classroom and on the field, and I will use this skill afterwards in the workplace.
When you have an ALL-IN committed and determined attitude only good things happen.
Soccer has taught me to not take anything for granted and to always work harder than the person next to you.
Soccer has taught me to have faith in the process, and to work hard when nobody is watching.
It may sound cliche’ but the truth is, the harder you work the higher your chance of success. Soccer always has its ups and downs but as soon as you put your head down and just start grinding through whatever is going on you start to see success in all areas.
My best friends are on the team. Enjoy the moments you have with your teammates and friends and make the most of everything and have fun.
Working with different personalities isn’t always easy but in the future you’re going to have to learn how to work with all types of people. Soccer has helped me progress in that. It has also strengthened my respect, compassion and patience I have with my teammates.
Soccer has taught me that any challenge in life is easier to face when you have a community around you. Through wins and losses, I have always been proud to step on and off the field because of the teammates and coaches I have around me. It is important to build relationships and bonds with the people around you so that you are never alone. The relationships I have created with my teammates have showed me that the game is always easier when you feel supported and comfortable. Life is easier when you have meaningful relationships.
Soccer has helped me become a leader. It has helped me develop confidence and find my voice.
Soccer has helped me become a better leader by understanding that my actions ultimately are louder than my words and I will always do my best to stay positive and lead by example, epsecially during tough times.
I have matured as a player by holding myself accountable for my preparation and performance on the field and not placing blame on others while also being more patient and supportive of my teammates.

What is your most memorable and enjoyable experience of playing for Maryland United?
- I’ve loved playing beside my friends over the last few years. My teammates have been incredibly supportive of me, especially during my first ECNL playoffs in Chicago a few years ago. I still remember we won the first game in PKs and everyone including myself was beyond ecstatic. We were cheering and celebrating at the top of our lungs and I’ll never forget how happy I was to be a part of the team in that moment.
- Traveling overseas to Sweden and playing in the Gothia Cup. It was an amazing experience and fun trip!
- My most memorable moment with Maryland United is the time Paige Rosenfeld and I got Emmi Mills to dance for the first time.
- Winning the Northeast ECNL Conference & beating Celtic in the State Cup, sandwiched between 2 ECNL games over one weekend
- When my team played in Las Vegas we stayed in rooms with our teammates. As a new member of the team it really helped me develop a bond with my new teammates.
- A few years ago, Our club won ECNL Dance challenge and it was posted on the ECNL Instagram. We planned our moves and took over the hotel to shoot our scenes. We all had so much fun followed by dinner. It felt like a true soccer family.
- My favorite part of playing with Maryland United was being able to travel to all different parts of the country to compete, such as Orlanda, Seattle, Phoenix, San Diego.
- When Jahci came back from injury and in his first game back scored and I assisted his goal.
- Competing at Regionals in West Virginia and the North Carolina showcases.
- My most memorable experience was winning the North American Cup at U15. Winning a championship was a big deal for our team and it brought us together at a time when we needed to bond, and everyone was so proud of our team’s success.
- Winning our bracket at PDA and going undefeated in 2017.
- When brick yelled at me to shut up when I was just trying to cheer her up after we let a goal in.
- Traveling to Florida for the Disney showcase this past year and getting to play at the Disney complex.
- Just every tournament experience, being able to spend time with my friends and do fun bonding activities such as Go-carting & TopGolf
- While we are going our separate ways very soon I loved spending time with my teammates during travel events. I have made some of the best friends I could ever ask for and have shared many lasting memories both on and off the field.
Special honors to Olivia Reese, Shea Carroll and Michael Mercer who have been with the club since U9.