Pro 23

The Maryland United Pro23 program is set up to provide our club alumni, current players as well as college age players from the area to train and compete at a high level in preparation for their fall collegiate seasons. Teams will train throughout the week with competitive league games throughout the summer. The Maryland United Pro23 team has had players from all NCAA divisions.
We will compete in the Club Champions League (CCL) Pro 23 League with games in June and early July
The Calendar will run from Mid-May through Mid-July with approximately 2 training sessions per week and a competitive game on the weekend.
U23 MEN - 2024
All interested players please contact the following coaches:
Ian Abrey
Mid May - Mid July
2x training sessions per week (12-14 practices)
Games (7-8 games)
$215.00 per player (includes uniform, all practies, games & CCL league fees)
All players must be registered and carded to participate in the program